NHL – Historical Results

In file “NHL 1942-2015″ (XLSX file), you can find all NHL results since 1942. This file contains one sheet for each NHL season with following infomation:

  • 1st column is season
  • 2nd column is date of match
  • 3rd column is visitor team name
  • 4th column is home team name
  • 5th column is number of away goals in regulation time (60 minutes)
  • 6th column is number of home goals in regulation time (60 minutes)
  • 7th column is number of away goals in whole game (including OT and SO)
  • 8th column is number of home goals in whole game (including OT and SO)
  • 9th solumn is shows how the game ended (0 for end after regulation time, OT or SO)

We recall that winner in shootouts is awarded only one goal and 2004-2005 season is missing as no game was played during the lockout.

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